Friday, May 27, 2011

One Year Ago...

...our family of three became a family of FOUR!
I remember being a bit emotional at 6:40 AM when we dropped CoCo off on our way to the hospital. How was this little addition going to change the dynamics of the threesome I had grown to cherish? I worried how it would affect our two year old. Would she understand that I didn't love her less with my attentions elsewhere? And how did this "love" thing work anyway? Could I possibly have enough love to share with a new baby?
I was grieving! Grieving?? Simply absurd, right?! I don't know. But, the truth is I felt the loss of what had been and the fear of what would be.

Well, my fearful thoughts were wasted time (like they usually are).
I don't know how it works or even how to explain it. However, I've never had to share or divi up the love I have for my hubby or my first born child. Somehow, there is just more love... abundantly more. Thank you, Graci for blessing us! Your smiles, hugs, chatter and goofy faces fill our world to overflowing!


Shawna said...

I remember this day well. . .as soon as Oma, Opa and I heard you were in labor, we tried our BEST to keep ourselves occupied until that wonderful phonecall came that all was well and we had a new family member to meet! We love you, dear Graci!!

Diane Smid said...

Happy Birthday Graci. We Love you.

rochhume said...

I totally "get" the grieving--and then some. Such a beautiful addition to your family though. :)

Mrs. Michelle said...

Oh how we love this little girl!